Church Matters


Church Matters

Saturday, October 8, at 7:30 AM – Men’s Breakfast

Please join us for the first Men’s Breakfast of the fall season. Our guest speaker this month is Thom Olmstead.

Friday Evening and Saturday, October 21st & 22nd- BCTC of AZ Fall Conference, “God Honoring Relationships in an Ungodly World”

This conference is intended for the GCC family and Christians throughout the valley. It is NOT designed just for those interested in counseling. Early registrations will help us to plan and provide funds for expenses, so please register as soon as possible! The conference will be held on Friday, October 21st (6:30-9 PM) and Saturday, October 22nd (9 AM-4 PM) at Grace Covenant Church. Registration is $60 per individual and $85 per couple. To register, please pick up a brochure at the information table and fill out the registration form. You may pay by mail or turn your payment in to the church office or counseling office. If you would like to register and make your payment online, please visit

Thursdays at 9:30 AM – Fall Women’s Bible Study

Our Women’s Fall Bible Study will be held at 9:30 AM on the first three Thursday mornings of each month. The women meet in the Sunday school youth room.

Sermon Broadcasts-Mondays at 4 PM

Selections of Pastor John’s sermons are aired on Mondays at 4 PM on KXXT Radio (1010 AM).